reflective 1/please click on the bold, italic words in order to get you to the topic page.

Last week we were instructed by Mr.Vasan about how to create the news headline for the Mena O Fena project. First, he showed us the screen which is connected to the camera in the studio and made one of us try to be the presenter so we can see how things comes up in the screen. Then, he taught us the steps of making the headlines using the devices in there. After that, we went to the library to see the second screen and we took a look at the shooting location up there.

In case of our work as a social media students regarding Mena o Fena project. We appointed each member of our team with a social media platform in order to update them daily during the week. My task was to update tumblr and a WordPress page for games review and in 25 October, I wrote a review about a fighting game called Super Smash Bros for the Nintendo 3ds. After that, i posted a trailer for the upcoming big update on Final Fantasy xiv and i described its content. Mohammed Haroun took care of you tube and he updated the header with a good looking image about the project. Then we made an Instagram and twitter page to update them with our contents for the projects.


to check our work on Insta/Twitter @mena_o_fena


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